Ụdị Azụ Aquarium


Labiosa, scientific name Trichogaster labiosa, belongs to the Osphronemidae family. Considered one of the most peaceful species among Gourami, the theme is no less inferior in popularity to most of its relatives. It is easy to keep and breed and can be recommended to beginner aquarists.


Ebe obibi

Comes from South Myanmar (Southeast Asia). Inhabits slow-flowing rivers and streams, as well as lakes and artificial ponds. It is found, as a rule, in places with dense floating vegetation, avoids open water.

Ozi nkenke:

  • Olu nke aquarium - site na 70 lita.
  • Okpomọkụ - 22-27 Celsius C
  • Uru pH - 6.0-7.5
  • Isi ike mmiri - dị nro ruo ọkara siri ike (1-15 dGH)
  • Ụdị mkpụrụ - ọchịchịrị ọ bụla
  • Ọkụ - emerie ya
  • Mmiri brackish - mba
  • Mmegharị mmiri - obere ma ọ bụ mba
  • Ogo azụ ahụ ruru 10 cm.
  • Nri - nri ọ bụla
  • Ọnọdụ - udo
  • Ọdịnaya ma otu na otu


Adult individuals reach a length of about 10 cm. Males are somewhat larger and brighter colored compared to females, in addition, they have pointed dorsal and anal fins. The coloration is dominated by two shades – orange and blue, which alternate in the body pattern from vertical oblique stripes.


Being completely unpretentious to the diet, Labiosa will accept most popular dry, frozen and live foods. The combination of several types of food in the daily diet favorably affects the brightness of the color of the fish.

Nlekọta na nlekọta, nhazi nke akwarium

Tank sizes for one pair of fish start at 70 liters. The design uses dense clusters of floating shade-loving plants and a dark substrate. The presence of shelters in the form of snags and other decorative objects is welcome.

Optimal housing conditions are achieved with low light levels and gentle filtration that does not create excessive internal flow. The hydrochemical parameters of the water must be within neutral pH values ​​at low or medium hardness (dGH). To avoid accidental jumping out, the aquarium should be equipped with a lid, which also helps to maintain a warm, moist layer of air above the surface, which is important for the respiration of labyrinth fish.

Nlekọta na-agbadata na ihicha ala mgbe niile site na mkpofu organic na mgbanwe mmiri kwa izu (10-15% nke olu) na mmiri dị ọhụrụ.

Omume na ndakọrịta

It has a peaceful, meek disposition, no intraspecific conflicts have been noticed, it is able to live in large groups. Labiosa is great for the community aquarium and may even look better than the popular Lyalius. Compatible with most other peaceful species. Sharing with a close relative of the Striped Gourami should be avoided to prevent the appearance of hybrid offspring.

Ịzụ / ozuzu

A na-atụ aro ka a na-eme spawn na tank dị iche. Maka ebumnuche ndị a, obere aquarium sitere na 30-40 lita dabara adaba, jupụtara na mmiri naanị ọkara - ihe nṅomi nke mmiri na-emighị emi, nke nwere ọtụtụ osisi na-ese n'elu mmiri. Ọnọdụ mmiri kwesịrị ikwekọ na aquarium izugbe. Ntọala nke akụrụngwa mejupụtara ihe nzacha ikuku dị mfe, ihe ọkụ ọkụ na oriọna dị ala. Ihe mkpuchi bụ ihe dị mkpa.

Oge mating na gburugburu ebe a na-emepụta ihe na-amalite n'agbanyeghị oge, yabụ mgbe ụfọdụ azụ na-apụta nke ọma, ebe ndị ọzọ na-enweta agba jupụtara na ya, mgbe ahụ ọ bụ oge iji kwadebe aquarium spawning. A na-ebugharị nwanyị nke mbụ, nwoke ahụ na-esonye mgbe ụbọchị ole na ole gachara ma, dị ka a na-achị, ozugbo na-amalite ịmepụta akwụ nke egosipụta n'etiti oke osisi, nke nwere ike iru 5 cm ma ọ bụ karịa na dayameta.

Spawning itself is accompanied by a kind of “embrace”, during which eggs and seeds are released. The fertilized eggs are picked up by the male and transferred to the nest. Further, the female does not take part in caring for the offspring, while the male remains to guard the clutch and fry in the first days of their life, until they begin to swim freely in search of food. This takes about 4-5 days, then it can be returned to the general aquarium.

Ọrịa azụ

Isi ihe na-akpata ọtụtụ ọrịa bụ ọnọdụ ibi ndụ na-ekwesịghị ekwesị na nri na-adịghị mma. Ọ bụrụ na achọpụtara ihe mgbaàmà mbụ, ị kwesịrị ịlele paramita mmiri na ọnụnọ dị elu nke ihe ndị dị ize ndụ (amonia, nitrite, nitrates, wdg), ọ bụrụ na ọ dị mkpa, weghachi ihe ngosi ahụ na nkịtị ma gaa n'ihu na ọgwụgwọ. Gụkwuo maka mgbaàmà na ọgwụgwọ na ngalaba Ọrịa Azụ Aquarium.

Nkume a-aza